Renowned global leader and change-maker, Ambassador Dauda Abdurrazaq Gidado, addressed the Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development today, emphasizing the crucial role of peace education in building a harmonious and prosperous Africa.

Speaking at the Youth Dialogue panel, Ambassador Gidado stressed that peace education should be integrated into educational curriculums, empowering future generations with essential skills for conflict resolution and fostering empathy across communities.

Sharing his personal initiatives, Ambassador Gidado highlighted his efforts to promote peace education in public schools and collaborate with stakeholders to develop strategies for its integration into official curricula.

Joining Ambassador Gidado on the panel were distinguished guests, including H.E Fatima Kayari Mohammed, Permanent Observer of the African Union to the United Nations; Nuria Sanz, Director, Regional Office for Egypt, UNESCO; and Levon Amirjanyan, Representative to the Middle East, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF).

The panelists unanimously emphasized the need to intensify efforts in prioritizing peace education, digital innovation, and institutional capacity building to unlock the potential of African youth and achieve Vision 2063.

Ambassador Gidado’s call to action resonated with the audience, inspiring a new wave of commitment to peace education and sustainable development in Africa.

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