By Dare Akogun

Traditional Rulers in Kwara State have been charged to checkmate incursion of strangers in their domains to guarantee security in the state
This was part of the resolutions of the state House of Assembly after considering a Motion on Notice titled ” Need to Reinvigorate and Empower Local Vigilante Groups For Effective Policing of the Hinterland in Kwara State.

The Motion was sponsored by lawmaker representing Kaiama-kamanji-Wojibe Constituency, Honorable Halidu Danbaba during today’s sitting
Danbaba expressed displeasure over rise of insecurity manifesting in the country with Kwara State not spared which has affected social economic lives of the people.

Emir of Ilorin Alhaji Ibrahim Zulu Gambari

Other lawmakers in their contributions said the roles of Vigilante groups in security could not be over emphasis and advocated cooperation between Vigilante groups Local Governments to ensure safety lives and property.
Reading the resolutions of the House, the Speaker urged Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq to direct all Sixteen Local Governments Council in the state to empower vigilante groups to provide surveillance towards security the of the state.
The Speaker also implored the governor to give necessary support to the State Commissioner of Police in deploying newly recruited Constabulary for surveillance and intelligence to maintain law and order across Local Governments Areas

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