By Oluwayomi Owoseye

In today’s fast-paced, interconnected world, the keys to effective leadership have evolved, especially in the context of Generation Z. This can be seen in the leadership of New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Ardern’s empathetic and inclusive leadership style, particularly in response to the Christchurch mosque shootings and the COVID-19 pandemic, has garnered international praise and resonated strongly with younger generations. Her transparency, authenticity, and emphasis on collective well-being set a benchmark for leadership in the Gen Z era.

Another case is Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin, who, at 34, became the world’s youngest sitting prime minister in 2019. Marin’s progressive policies, focus on climate action, and efforts to create a more inclusive society have made her a role model for young leaders globally. Her digital fluency and active social media presence allow her to connect directly with the public, mirroring the communication preferences of Gen Z.
This shift was dramatically showcased during the 2023 Nigerian elections, where Peter Obi emerged as a prominent figure, largely due to his ability to resonate with the younger, more progressive segments of the population. Gen Z, born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, has grown up amid rapid technological advancements, global connectivity, and significant societal changes.

To connect with this generation, leaders must embody certain qualities and adapt their approaches to meet Gen Z’s values and aspirations—qualities that Obi exemplified during his campaign. One of the most critical aspects of leadership in the Gen Z era is authenticity, and Peter Obi’s candidness made him a standout. Gen Z values genuineness and can possibly detect insincerity. Obi’s supposed transparent communication about both the challenges and successes of his campaign and governance plans built significant trust and respect, which are essential components for fostering a loyal and motivated support base

Additionally, a sense of purpose drives Gen Z, and Obi’s clear mission to address social and economic issues in Nigeria resonated deeply. Gen Z is highly motivated by meaningful work and drawn to leaders who align with their personal values. Obi’s ability to articulate a vision for a better Nigeria and demonstrate how his leadership would contribute to societal improvement inspired and engaged young voters, making them feel part of a larger, impact movement.

Empathy and inclusivity are also cornerstones of effective leadership for Gen Z, and Peter Obi’s approach reflected this. By understanding and addressing the diverse backgrounds and needs of his supporters, Obi created a supportive and inclusive campaign environment. Promoting diversity and inclusivity is not just a preference but an expectation for this generation. Obi ensured that all voices were heard and valued, fostering a culture where everyone felt they could contribute to and thrive within his movement.

In a world that is constantly evolving, adaptability is key. Gen Z appreciates leaders who are open to new ideas and can pivot quickly in response to changing circumstances. Peter Obi’s campaign embraced a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, aligning well with Gen Z’s forward-thinking mindset. His willingness to embrace change and promote creativity kept his supporters engaged and optimistic about the future.

Digital fluency is a must for leaders in the Gen Z era. Peter Obi’s active social media presence and comfort with digital tools significantly enhanced his relatability and accessibility. Gen Z expects their leaders to be comfortable with technology and utilize digital platforms for communication and problem-solving. Obi’s effective use of social media allowed him to connect directly with young voters, making his campaign more dynamic and engaging.

Similarly, collaboration and team orientation are highly valued by Gen Z, who prefer a collaborative approach to work, valuing teamwork over hierarchical structures. Obi’s emphasis on collaboration and creating opportunities for team-based projects within his campaign fostered a sense of unity and purpose among his supporters. Providing mentorship and opportunities for professional development showed his investment in the growth and well-being of his team, further solidifying their loyalty and commitment.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is a priority for Gen Z, and Obi’s support for flexible working arrangements and overall well-being policies demonstrated his understanding of this need. He prioritized mental and physical health and ensured that his campaign team was not only productive but also happy and fulfilled in their roles. Continuous learning and development are crucial for retaining Gen Z’s support. Peter Obi’s campaign reflected a commitment to these principles. He provided ongoing learning opportunities and clear career progression paths within his movement, showing a culture of regular, constructive feedback. This approach was highly valued by his supporters, who saw it as an investment in their personal and professional development.

Peter Obi demonstrated the importance of clear and frequent communication, using multiple channels to ensure messages were received and understood. He set clear goals and expectations, aligning these with his broader mission and individual contributions. Leading by example and demonstrating the values and behaviors he expected from his team were essential components of his leadership. Encouraging feedback and creating a culture where it was welcomed and acted upon further enhanced his effectiveness. Investing in the latest technology to enhance productivity and engagement was also a key part of his strategy. Finally, actively promoting and practicing inclusivity in all aspects of his campaign helped build a cohesive and motivated support base.

Looking ahead to the 2027 elections, it is plausible to hypothesize a re-occurrence of the strong support Peter Obi garnered if he continues to embody these qualities. As the Gen Z population grows and their influence in the political landscape increases, leaders who can effectively engage this demographic will be at a significant advantage.

Politicians who intend to compete with Peter Obi in the heart of the Gen Z which he has found to be his sweet abode will need to prioritize authenticity, purpose-driven leadership, and inclusivity. Staying adaptable and open to new ideas, leveraging digital platforms for communication, and promoting continuous learning and development will also be a crucial tool.

In summary, Peter Obi’s success in the 2023 elections illustrates how the qualities that resonate with Gen Z can translate into substantial electoral support. By continuing to align with the values and aspirations of Gen Z, leaders like Obi can anticipate strong and sustained support in future elections, making them well-equipped to lead in an ever-evolving world.

Oluwayomi Owoseye is a political enthusiast. He writes from Abuja.

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